Throughout your life you have worked extremely hard to create a secure financial future for your family and loved ones. It is critical that you take the proper steps necessary to conserve your estate and financial security after you pass away.
If you fail to plan properly your assets could be distributed according to state and federal laws when you die, as opposed to how you truly want your estate to be handled. If you have minor children, a guardian would be appointed by the court without regard for your personal wishes.
Now is the time to make choices about how your estate and personal affairs and how they will be administered in the event of your death or disability. You must decide how and whom you would like your assets distributed at death, before it is too late. It is also vital to incorporate strategies to minimize the impact of estate taxes, income taxes and other settlement costs that could severely diminish the value of your estate.
The Terrio Group specializes in estate conservation. We will help you develop a plan to ensure you are remembered the way you want to be.
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